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How to Implement Specific Sequence Generation in Counter Design for Digital Electronics?

1. State Diagram Creation:

  • The first step is to represent the desired sequence visually using a state diagram. Each state in the diagram represents a specific count value (0, 2, 3, 5, 6).

  • Draw circles for each state and label them with the corresponding count value.

  • visually representing the desired sequence directed arrows to show transitions between states. Annotate each arrow with the input that causes the transition (usually a clock pulse).

2. State Transition Table Derivation:

  • From the state diagram, create a state transition table. This table lists the current state, the next state it transitions to on a clock pulse, and (optionally) any additional inputs that might influence the transition.

3. Next State Logic Determination:

  • Analyse the state transition table and determine the logic required for each flip-flop's next state based on the current state. This will involve using combinational logic gates (AND, OR, NAND, etc.) to generate the appropriate control signals for the flip-flops.

4. Flip-Flop Selection and Circuit Design:

  • Choose the type of flip-flops (D flip-flops, JK flip-flops, etc.) based on the complexity of the next state logic.

  • Implement the combinational logic using logic gates to generate the control signals for the flip-flops as determined in step 3.

  • Connect the clock signal, control signals from the logic gates, and flip-flop outputs according to the designed logic.

Example: Counter for Sequence 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 0

Sol: - Step 1. State Diagram:

Designing counter sequence generation
Fig Designing counter sequence generation

Step 2. State Transition Table:

Current State

Next State

















Step 3. Next State Logic:

  • To go from 0 to 2, we need the output of the flip-flop representing the current state (let's call it Q0) to be 0.

  • To go from 2 to 3, Q0 should be 1.

  • Similarly, for transitions from 3 to 5 and 5 to 6, Q0 should alternate between 0 and 1.

  • To return from 6 to 0, we need Q0 to be 1.

Step 4. Circuit Design with D Flip-Flops:

  • We can use two D flip-flops (D0 and D1) for this counter.

  • The logic for the D inputs can be derived from the next state logic analysis:

  • D0 = Q0' (inverts the current state)

  • D1 = Q0 (copies the current state)

  • Connect the clock signal, D0, and D1 to the respective inputs of D0 and D1.

  • The output of D1 (representing the current state) can be used as the count output of the counter.

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