A project that uses an Arduino microcontroller and other electronic components to build a multitasking robot is known as an Arduino multitasking robot project.
Arduino is a very simple processor with no operating system and can only run one program at a time. Unlike your personal computer or a Raspberry Pi, the Arduino has no way to load and run multiple programs. That doesn’t mean that we can’t manage multiple tasks on an Arduino. We just need to use a different approach. Since there is no operating system to help us out, We have to take matters into our own hands.
Task 1: Blink LED 1 every second
Task 2: Read user input from Serial (number between 0 and 255) and write the data to LED 2
Task 3: Power on LED 3 if the push button is pressed
Task 4: Power on LED 4 if the potentiometer value is greater than 512
Task 5: Print the potentiometer value via Serial every 2 seconds
Multitasking Robot using Arduino
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