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This user-friendly digital soil moisture sensor allows you to easily measure the moisture content in soil. Simply insert the sensor into the soil, and it will detect moisture levels, providing a digital output of 5V when moisture is high and 0V when moisture is low.

Key Features:

  • Adjustable Sensitivity: The sensor includes a potentiometer that lets you set a moisture threshold. When the detected moisture level exceeds this threshold, the digital output becomes high, and an LED lights up to indicate the status. If the moisture level is below the threshold, the output remains low.
  • Digital and Analog Outputs: It provides both a digital output (for simple high/low signals) and an analog output (for precise moisture readings) that can be connected to a microcontroller’s ADC for detailed monitoring.
  • Versatile Applications: Ideal for automated watering systems, soil moisture detection, and similar projects.


  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V to 5V
  • Dual Output: More accurate analog output alongside digital output
  • Easy Installation: Features a fixed bolt hole for straightforward mounting
  • Indicator LEDs: Red for power and green for digital output status
  • Stable Performance: Integrated LM393 comparator chip for reliable operation
  • Dimensions:
    • PCB: Approximately 3cm x 1.5cm
    • Soil Probe: Approximately 6cm x 3cm
    • Cable Length: Approximately 21cm
  • Connections:
    • VCC: Connects to 3.3V-5V power supply
    • GND: Connects to ground
    • DO: Digital output (0 or 1)
    • AO: Analog output for moisture level

Usage Instructions:

  • The soil moisture sensor is highly sensitive to environmental moisture and is primarily used to detect the moisture content in soil.
  • Digital Output (DO): When the moisture level is below the set threshold, the DO output is high. If the moisture exceeds the threshold, the DO output goes low. This can be connected to an MCU to monitor moisture levels.
  • Analog Output (AO): For more precise moisture readings, the AO output can be connected to an AD module, which converts it to a digital value that the MCU can read.
  • Direct Control: The digital output can also drive external modules like buzzers or relays, allowing you to create a simple soil moisture alarm system.

This sensor is an excellent choice for creating automated gardening systems, water detection projects, and more.

Soil Moisture Meter Testing Module, Soil Humidity Sensor, Water Sensor

₹160.00 Regular Price
₹80.00Sale Price

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